
Top Budgeting Apps for Students

Managing money at university can be a difficult task, but using using budgeting apps for students can really help you out.

budgeting apps for students

If you are an undergraduate student, this is likely to be the first time you have had to handle large sums of money and meet bill payments. This can be daunting, however, using trusted technology can ease some of the stress. We have put together our top budgeting apps for students on the market that will help get your finances in order and make your life easier.

Safety and security when using banking apps

First and foremost, most banking and budgeting apps for students use open banking. This requires you to share your existing bank details, allowing access to your finances in order to help manage your money. Some may worry about this element of these apps and the safety of their bank details in the hands of others. To avoid running into trouble, ensure you do your research before sharing personal information. Legitimate apps will have high security encryption making them just as safe as your regular bank.


Monzo is a digital, mobile-only bank. It is completely separate to any existing bank accounts you may own and you don’t have to connect the two. When signing up, you will receive a contactless bank card and everything is managed via their app.

Main features include;

  • Immediate view of transactions
  • Ability put aside money in a savings pot (in which interest can be earnt)
  • Allows you to transfer and receive money
  • Provides bill splitting

Although a good all-rounder, it would work great as a budgeting app for students as it puts everything in one place for your convenience.


An important part of budgeting is knowing your spending habits. Yolt connects to your existing bank, showing you exactly where your money is going.

Main features include;

  • Splits your spending into categories such as; food, bills, entertainment etc.
  • Allows you to set aside a budget each month and see where you need to reduce spending
  • Makes saving possible by rounding up purchases and putting aside small change

With carefully thought out features, Yolt is one of the great budgeting apps for students trying to get a hold of their finances.


Sharing bills and finances often causes problems amongst student households. Owing money can become awkward, Splitwise could solve all your problems and keep the peace.

Main features include;

  • Organise and track group expenses
  • Reduce stress of account holder
  • Avoid chasing payments

This is the perfect budgeting app for students with shared expenses to help you split your bills and provide peace of mind when it comes to owing money.


Pocketguard is useful when it comes to budgeting apps for students. By providing simple money management, you can see exactly what you have left in your pocket at all times.

Main features include;

  • Displays your spending habits
  • Allows multiple bank accounts to be connected
  • Supports you in reaching financial goals

Pocketguard also helps you to negotiate better deals when it comes to bill payments which will help you save money in the long run.

Other ways to manage and save money

With all that new found freedom, it can be easy to fall into the trap of irresponsible spending. Alongside bills and necessities, biggest outgoings for students tend to be food and entertainment. Overspending on your weekly food shop or blowing your monthly budget on a couple of big nights out will seriously affect your overall finances. Alongside budgeting apps for students, there are plenty of ways to save money at university and still have a good time.

Food shopping can be expensive and it is easy to become overwhelmed and buy the wrong things. Meal planning will ensure you only buy what you need for that week and don’t waste food or money. Online shopping also allows you to see exactly what you are about to spend on food and remove unnecessary items if you go over budget.

When it comes to going out, making the most of pre-drinking and leaving your card at home in place of set aside cash are effective ways to reduce your partying spending habits.

Utilising these budgeting apps for students as well as tailored money saving techniques will make a little go a long way, whilst reducing stress and anxiety surrounding your finances.

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