When applying to university it is always recommended to check with the university you are applying to whether they have any scholarships you might be eligible for. Most universities do have a range of scholarships on offer and you will find them either listed on the university website or by searching The Scholarship Hub database. However, it is harder to find scholarships that can be used at any university but there are a growing number out there offered by companies and charitable organisations. Some of these are offered to encourage students in to specific professions; others are offered to relieve financial difficulties for students from particular locations or backgrounds.
Here is a selection of some that we think are particularly worth looking at but there are many more on our website and the list is growing monthly so do keep checking. Just select “No specific university” as the Institution and leave the other search criteria blank and you will get the whole list.
Ernst & Young Scholarship
£1,000 a year plus summer internships. This scholarship is open to anyone studying any degree as long as they meet the GCSE and A ‘level requirements.
Helena Kennedy Awards
Open to students doing their A’levels at a publicly funded FE or 6th form college and wishing to start a first time higher education programme who have experienced financial hardship or barriers to continuing their education.
ICAS Foundation Scholarship
School leavers who have been accepted for an accountancy degree but can demonstrate they will have difficulty in meeting direct education related expenses such as books, library fees and travel. Also available to current students of accountancy, finance or management-related disciplines, who no fault of their own, find themselves in financial difficulties.
IMEchE Undergraduate Scholarship
£2,000 a year for students starting an undergraduate degree in a course approved by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
The John Bloom bursary
Supports students intending to study for a degree in Law at a UK University. The successful candidate for the bursary will be expected to obtain good ‘A’ level grades and will be from a background of modest means.
Leverhulme Trade charities Trust
Applicants must be undertaking their first degree and be a close family member of a Commercial Traveller, Chemist or Grocer.
The Anglo Jewish Association Scholarships
The Anglo-Jewish Association provides financial assistance to Jewish students in financial need to enter further education or studying for full-time degrees at universities in the United Kingdom.