Getting your tuition fees paid in full by a scholarship is not a pipe dream. It can happen, but it is unusual. There are scholarships out there for both undergraduate and postgraduate levels of study which do pay your tuition fees in full and in some cases also pay for your accommodation and living costs, but it is true that you have to be outstanding at something in particular or have particular circumstances which would make you eligible.
Just to give you a flavour, take a look at some of these scholarships and bursaries which cover the whole cost and sometimes more and are being offered for a whole range of different reasons. At the time of writing this blog, some of these may have expired for this year, but they are usually offered every year.
These are just some we have selected from the wide range of scholarships on our database. You can start your own search here.
- Where you live
Inspiring Success Scholarship – Loughborough University
The Inspiring Success Scholarship offers 100% off the full cost of tuition fees at postgraduate level, for selected unemployed and underemployed graduates, who obtained GCSE or A-level (or equivalent) qualifications from Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Newham or Waltham Forest.
2. Academic merit and extra-curricular involvement
Vice Chancellors Award – Liverpool John Moores University
Outstanding students with 144 UCAS points at 3 units at A2 or equivalent who have put Liverpool John Moores as their first choice through UCAS. You must also be able to demonstrate a level of commitment, excellence and achievement above that of your peers. This may be through citizenship, sport, performing arts, etc
3. Musical Ability
Music Scholarships – Liverpool Hope University
There are four vocal scholarships for soprano, alto (male or female), tenor and bass, four string scholarships for two violins, one viola and one cello and one joint organ scholarship with Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral.
4. Household income
Carnegie Trust Undergraduate Fees Assistance – Any Scottish University
For Scottish students attending Scottish universities who are not be eligible for support towards the costs of their tuition fees; must be of Scottish descent/nationality or must have attended secondary school in Scotland for at least two years
5. First in the family to go to University
The Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship – BPP University
Open to all applicants to BPP University at postgraduate level, who are the first in their family to attend university, meet the admissions criteria for the relevant programme and demonstrate a high record of academic achievement
6.Care Leavers
HSBC Scholarship – University of Sheffield
Open to students entering the University of Sheffield who have spent a significant amount of time in care.
7. Asylum seekers
Many Universities are now offering full fee-paying scholarships plus accommodation costs for Asylum Seekers. These are often called Article 26 scholarships.